Business developer for sustainable tourism

Business developer for sustainable tourism

Fair Travel was employed for three consecutive years as a responsible tourism expert by Akademi Båstad, a higher vocational education in the south of Sweden. Akademi Båstad wanted to explore the idea of starting up a new education on sustainable development in tourism and therefore needed the expertise.

As an experienced lecturer and with insight in the tourism industry of Sweden, the idea and initiative was very positive and interesting. There’s a lack of knowledge about sustainability in the industry today while also, there’s a huge gap that needs to be filled by educations to both provide the knowledge through future staff but also to link the educational world with the needs of the industry.

No demand for sustainability?

Three consecutive applications was submitted over three years, where the authorities claimed that there was no need for this knowledge and that the industry isn’t in demand for it. Outrageous claims as studies, reports and industry interviews beg to differ. The previous application was rejected in January 2012 and with that in mind, I wrote a critical article on the issue as a guest columnist in Travel Report, in May 2012. Read it here. The last application written in 2012 was was finally approved in January 2013 and the first class started in September 2013.

Fair Travel part of the management team

Fair Travel was part of the management team for the new education together with other important players from the national tourism and travel industry, with a mission to secure the content and quality of the course.
Do you want to influence, change and make a difference?

The course provided knowledge of work processes, which permeates all levels to achieve sustainable development. Education is required in order to meet increased demands in the future.

Work placement

Work placement allowed development of knowledge and skills in collaboration with one or more companies.



The SMURF-project is a joint initiative between Fair Travel, Wild Sweden and the Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation with an aim to explore the possibilities of securing a quality assurance on guiding in Sweden.

The background and need to the initiative can be found in the non-existing guide certification in Sweden. The quality of the various guides that host and lead tourists in Sweden is therefore hard to ensure. The pilot-project investigated what can be found in terms of educations and the need and interest for a certification of safari guides in Sweden.


The conclusion of the project is that there is indeed many different educations catering for future guides but there seem to be a lack for proper training for guides within the industry to enhance quality and status. It also seems that the industry response is positive, which would make a new safari guide course possible, with an aim to raise the quality of guiding interpretation in the Swedish Nature, but also to be used as a tool for quality assurance.

The baseline of this project has led way to the implementation of a certification for nature guides in Sweden, under the management of FUN – Föreningen för nationell Utbildningsform för Naturguider.



The TREBLE – Triple Bottom Line (3BL) Approach in Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea Region project is a 12-month assessment program started in November 2013 and is based on the awareness of the huge potential of the tourism sector to contribute to the EU 2020 and European Blue Growth agenda in terms of smart and sustainable growth, and to bring forward sustainable rural development that ensures quality of life and employment opportunities in rural settings of the Baltic Sea Region aimed at SMMEs.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The initiative builds on results from previous activities and programs on Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR and Sustainable Tourism Development, through Swedish Institute partnerships and EU funded projects. The results showcase the needs for practical application and tools for sustainable tourism development and effective types of incentives when promoting CSR activities, in the Baltic Sea Region.

Fostering a green economy

TREBLE – 3BL for sustainable tourism development in the BSR has been developed with the view to implement the CBSS Strategy on Sustainable Development 2010 – 2015 under the main area of cooperation “Sustainable Urban Rural development” and “Development of sustainable tourism strategies” as well as its contribution to fostering a green economy in the Baltic Sea Region that ensures smart and sustainable growth that allows for economic profit while respecting social and environmental needs and boundaries.

Project aim

TREBLE is primarily being developed to assess and analyze the need to build knowledge and capacity among relevant players in the tourism sector on sustainable tourism development in the Baltic Sea Region. Aimed at small, medium and micro sized enterprises, SMMEs, the project is focusing on the application of a triple bottom line approach for a sustainable tourism development in cooperation with relevant travel trade organizations and other stakeholders in the region.
Establishing cross-border network

The project seeks to extend the already existing but fragmented networks of relevant actors with the aim to also establish a relevant network of partners for a second phase, larger project application, to showcase, develop and implement solutions that will not only help SMMEs comply with the ever increasing demands, but also demonstrate that sustainable tourism development based on a 3BL approach, doesn’t necessary mean an additional burden, but increases productivity/profitability while protecting environmental and social values.

Responsible Tourism Networking

Responsible Tourism Networking

As an initiative from the annual seminar Tourism, Travel and Sustainable Development, started in Stockholm in 2011, we launched the first Nordic network on Responsible Tourism. The network was the spawn of the global Responsible Tourism Networking group that started at the WTM in London 2007.

The vision of the network was to become a meeting place for the international and national tourism industries in the Nordic region. The network was to act as a driving force for change and development towards a long-term sustainable future.

The aim was to host networking events across the Nordic region in combination with the tourism and travel events in Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Oslo and Helsinki, but also to facilitate the possibility of interaction within the industry through other types of events.

To achieve change on our own is hard, but together in unity we can inspire and create a change for the better to all stakeholders involved in travel and tourism. You can join the network via Facebook. Let’s connect, let’s make business and let’s change the industry for the better. Join the network!

Since the launch of the initiative, RTNN joined forces with the bigger group RTN. Please join us here!

The responsible travel commitment

Our responsible travel commitment

We are committed to taking responsibility for our direct and indirect impact on the environment, people & wildlife.

Tourism is dependent on transport, food & beverage consumption and waste, all of which can have a very negative effect on people, wildlife and nature. Fair Travel aims to be transparent about what we do to address these impacts.

Handpicked partners and suppliers

We work with handpicked partners and suppliers, all of whom are required to comply with our policies and Code of Conduct on sustainable development. Find out about the Fair Travel Code of Conduct and Sustainable Development Policy.

Fair Travel recommends this code of conduct and policy as guidance for other tourism businesses.

I work in tourism. I declare a climate emergency.

In 2019 Fair Travel signed the pledge "Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency" and accept the current IPCC and state the need to cut global carbon emissions. Read the more about the pledge here.

Travel Excellence

Travel Excellence

"Travel Excellence offers everything from itineraries for FIT to corporate incentives. We are committed to quality and sustainability; that is why the company has obtained certifications such as ISO 9001-2008, Rainforest Alliance and others; which make us the most trustworthy operator in Costa Rica."

Travel Excellence is an award-winning tour operator founded in 1996. With more than 25% of the territory protected by national parks and reserves, we take our green credentials very seriously. We are not only carbon neutral but we also obtained the Certification of Sustainable Tourism and Rainforest Alliance Certified mark. Additionally, we are ISO 9001:2008 certified; that places us as the only tour operator in obtaining it. Today, we offer everything from eco-tourism and cultural tours to corporate incentives and tailored itineraries with the professionalism and quality that characterize us.

What makes us unique:

  • ISO 9001:2008 certification - The first and only Tour Operator in Costa Rica and the region to obtain it.
  • Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST) - One of the first Tour Operators to obtain this certification and qualifying with a perfect score.
  • Rainforest Alliance Certified Mark - Qualifying with a score on the highest rank.
  • C-Neutral National Mark - The first tourism company in receiving this acknowledgment​.​
  • Gender Equality Mark by National Women’s Institute, which recognizes companies working on a daily basis for equality at all levels of its activities.
  • Experts in personalized, tailor-made itineraries.
  • Best negotiated prices.​
  • 24-hour ​passengers' support
  • Modern minivans with Wi-Fi connection.
  • Fully bilingual driver​s and guides​​
  • Response time for FIT ​quote request​: within 12 hours.

Contact details:

Phone: +(506) 2523-9100
Address: Local G, 13B, Oficentro Plaza Aeropuerto, Rio Segundo, Alajuela, Costa Rica

Tropic Journeys in Nature

Tropic Journeys in Nature

"Tropic’s unparalleled knowledge and understanding of Ecuador means unrivalled, innovative, hand-crafted solutions for the most sophisticated travel tastes. What we offer is a genuine, intense interaction with destinations and local people based on mutual respect. It involves getting to know a truly authentic style of life in today’s Ecuador."

We're award–winning specialists in responsible, community-based tourism through high-quality operations and exceptional service in Ecuador. Tropic grew out of the need for a tourism operator which could demonstrate that environmental protection and cultural respect can be compatible with running a successful business. While many of Ecuador's most valuable and beautiful regions are falling victim to insensitive 'development' causing a tragic loss of biodiversity, now more than ever it is necessary to create viable economic alternatives which give value to this ecological and cultural richness.

Tropic provides exclusive encounters and unique experiences for travelers with a spirit of discovery and who are keen to explore the variety of landscapes, cultures and adventures Ecuador has to offer: The enchantment of the cloud forests with their profusion of animals and birds; the lushness of the Amazon with its rivers and ancient forest peoples; the high Andes and their spectacular snow-capped mountains, clear lakes and traditional hospitality; and the incredible wonder of the Galapagos Islands, and their incomparable geography, flora and fauna.

What makes us unique:

  • Tropic works to bring depth to travel – giving visitors the chance to ‘live’ Ecuador
  • “May I Introduce You” programs give your guests the chance to spend time with locals and discovering Ecuador’s hidden gems
  • Award-winning community-based tourism initiatives – Tropic was awarded the National Geographic World Legacy Award for Engaging Communities
  • Unique lodges – including a tented safari camp in the Galapagos, an alpine lodge high in the Andes and lodges, deep in the heart of the Amazon
  • DMC and ecotourism company specializing in custom-designed adventure, nature, and cultural travel in Ecuador.
  • Travel with Tropic is also about people and environments. Guests will make a connection with locals, contribute directly to conserving precious and threatened environments, help foster respect for native and traditional peoples and cultures, and support projects that provide benefits for the communities visited.

Contact details:

Phone: (593 2) 2408-181 / 2406-850 /2404-588
Address: Pasaje Sanches Melo OE1-37 y, Av. Galo Plaza Lasso, Quito, Ecuador